Chalkboard Love!

Friday 22 March 2013

I don't know how schools work in this day and age with computers and pull down screens. In my  school days we learned everything- i really mean everything from biology to math, from what was written on a big black chalk board. After school hours we would stay back and draw on them; holiday season meant colored chalks and themes, punishment was "your cleaning the board for a week"! Now, I look back and I think- what was so bad about it. Chalkboards are so so fun. Look at some of these chalk board therapies and tell me you don't agree. At the end of this- you will want to learn how to make your own and I will tell you how in my next post- coming soon. Happy Friday my lovelies!

(all the pictures have been scouted  by moi from HOUZZ from

don't forget to log in again to find out how to make your own, I'm working on it as you read this and yes,  please do leave your comments for me

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